Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Does it mean anything?

Maybe not... but it can't hurt anything. Go to and make your voice heard on the same sex marriage debate re: Bill C-38. I don't know if it will actually hold any water with our MPs, seeing as its promoted by United Familes (who are doing all they can to defend the traditional definition of marriage here in Canada). Not that I disagree with them, not at all, but with them promoting the referendum, its obviously going to be more widely dispersed among the 'no' camp. Still, we should be doing all we can, and I know I haven't done very much.

Frankly, I'm kind of skeptical that all these mass emails (from a template) really make that much difference within our government. Perhaps the skepticism is broader, in that I doubt that our government is really concerned with obeying the will of the people. Actually, its even broader than that; I doubt that most of our government is concerned with governing our country to the honour and glory of God. Who knows, maybe we need some serious persecution in this country to purify the church. Do I like the idea? No. But that's just my flesh talking. If losing status, prestige (which I don't have anyway, lol), liberty, or freedom brings me closer in my walk with God, then I should embrace it whole heartedly. Hmm... maybe we should vote in a repressive regime that will ban the Christian faith and torture all its practicioners... But we're just too comfortable.


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