Friday, January 07, 2005

Its Friday!!

The first week of work has almost come to a close, and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I know we just got off Christmas break, but this week has been hectic, what with the beginning of a new semester, and me taking a class for credit (I should really start on some homework).

Christmas was great. I went out to join Jen at her parent's place on the 23rd. Christmas was very quiet, and it was the first Christmas I haven't spent with my parents and immediate family. Things were somewhat different, but good. I managed the whole holiday with no turkey, which was kind of interesting. I didn't really miss it. Several people just don't like turkey dinners, and weren't really up to the work of making one. Instead, on Christmas day we had a Ghanaian (from Ghana) meal called Fufu and Granut soup. Basically mashed potatoes with starch (making a stiff mixture) with Chicken cooked in Peanut butter (kind of) on top. For authenticity we eat it with our fingers, so that makes it quite fun. I had it once before, and enjoy it very much.

Another difference this Christmas was I got more of a taste for farm living. The chores just don't end, and we were taking it very easy. We had to feed grain twice a day to the lambs (to fatten them up for market) and once for the ewes and rams, who are breeding. The horse gets some oats every once in a while too. I got to help butcher 2 lambs for the family too, although it was more that we skinned and cleaned the carcasses, and then took them to a butcher shop for final processing.

One a more immediate note, I get to play hockey tonight. It is the first time since November, I think. I'm looking forward to it, although I know that I'm out of shape. I think I'll get to play more hockey in this month than I did all last semester.

Finally, Jen and I have set our wedding date for June 25th. Wow, we actually have a date. Some how it seems a little more real when there's actually a mark on the calendar. Its not just some vague dream any more, or wishful thinking. We are getting married this summer! I'll keep things posted for more details.


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