Tuesday, June 07, 2005

18 days to go....

I can't believe that my single days are drawing to a close...... I don't think I'll miss them too much.

Not that life hasn't been good, but who wouldn't want a lifelong companion to continue to experience the great adventures that God has in store for us. I think I'll have to change the name of the blog to include both of us. Jen likes to write, so maybe we'll get more regular postings in here again.

I've moved. I no longer rent a basement suite, I now own (well, President's Choice Financial & I) a trailer (ok, mobile home... but really, its a trailer) on the campus of PRBI. I've moved in as of the end of last week. Now I just have to find the place (its kind of buried in stuff). Jen painted the bathroom, living room, and hallway. I'm tearing up the carpet in the bedroom, and we've already got the new stuff in a big roll in the living room. I'm not looking forward to laying it, but its gotta happen in the next week.

Work has kept me fairly busy, there's lots of amendments to the school website (www.prbi.edu) coming up, and I will be getting a few new responsibilities due to office shuffle. I must say that I'm looking forward to my honeymoon/vacation time.

The weather here has been pretty awesome, it almost reminds me of south America, with beautiful mornings, and then thunderstorms in the afternoons. I hope we get another one soon.

Well, coffee break is beaconing, so I'd better answer the call.


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