Friday, February 25, 2005

Dinero Para Nada

Yesterday I was offered the oppertunity to attend a "Focus Group". 'What's that?' I asked. Not really sure, was the answer, but basically a round table discussion on some issue or other. I didn't really want to, being the shy person that I am, but then I found out I would be remunerated $75 for my time. Anticipating 2 hours of discussion, that's a better hourly wage than I've made for a long time. So I agreed to go.

Not knowing quite what to expect, I showed up at the hotel just before 5:30. I was glad I had someone along whom I knew. That made it easier. Then I ended up sitting right in front of the tape recorder, which actually made sense, because I generally talk quietly. I was given the responsibility to flip the tape when it finished one side.

Our discussion started with a question about the major issues facing Albertans today. Then we zeroed in on Health Care. Specifically, they were giving us hypothetical sitautions that are currently not possible under today's legislation, and then asking how we felt about changing that legislation. In some ways (as my roomate pointed out) it felt a little bit like a biased poll. It could have been, but I think we did have some good discussion, and it was nice to hear a little about what our government might be planning as far as changes to the Health Care system here in Alberta.

All in all, it was an enjoyable evening, and I got $75 out of the deal. Now... what to do with my new found wealth :)


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