Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I'm Engaged!! (and Merry Christmas)

Well, I seem to be getting pretty consistant with these bimonthly posts. Oh well, just wanted to put up my Christmas letter for anyone who's interested. Oh, and to say that I got engaged a week & a half ago to one Jennifer Lobb. Wahoo!! What an adventure this life has been... and its only just beginning.

Well hello, and Merry Christmas!

It seems this is about the closest I will get to sending out a Christmas letter this year, and at least by email you will get it before Christmas. This fall has been a whirlwind of blessings and surprises. Lets see, where did I leave you last? Oh yes, 4 months ago, right after I got back safely from Ecuador, and was headed to Northern Alberta to work at Peace River Bible Institute.

Well, that has been exactly what happened, though I wondered how I would do at the front desk, working as the receptionist. I have always been afraid of our school phone system, and I tend to be shy, so talking to strangers most of the time wasn't a real exciting prospect for me. However, I have really started to enjoy my work at the school. It is a wonderful environment to be in, and God has used it to stretch my comfort zone a little more.

Shortly after arriving, I was placed at the head of our website committee, and have been directing the construction of our new school website (with lots of help). We should be launching it soon, so keep your ears peeled for the news. I have enjoyed getting into an area of computers and programming that I haven't had a lot of experience with before.

I've had the opportunity to play on our rec hockey team, the Dynamos, again this year. I have been the assistant coach, and played about half the games (mainly due to other time demands). I also enjoy watching Jen and Alanna play on the women's soccer team.

Before I go any further, I should announce that I asked Jen to marry me on December 10th, and she said YES! This has made December a very exciting month, what with all the ring shopping (actually that was in November) and then finding just the right time to ask. We are planning to get married this summer, although we haven't worked out exactly when yet. Don't worry, we will keep you informed. I will be launching a website for pictures and stories and wedding information sometime soon too.

Let's see... what else have I been up to this year? Oh, I bought a car! (I actually bought the car and the engagement ring within 3 days of each other (the ring was first).) I got it from a co-worker here at school. For those of you that know cars, its a '92 Grand Marquis (Mercury). Its in great shape, and runs very well. It's maroon, and is far better than what I ever thought my first car might be. For a big car, it doesn't even get terrible gas mileage. It has been a real blessing already, especially with the Christmas season coming on. It has also made it easier to get out to Jen's parent's place.

That's right, another thing that has been keeping us busy is going out to Silver Valley where Jen's parent's live, and running a youth group program at their church. The first night we had only 4 kids, but it felt like about all we could handle, and we had a lot of fun with them. The next time we came out, we had 9, and it was a handful, but still a really good time. Jen & I look forward to building into their lives, and allowing God to teach us through this experience. We hope to do something over the Christmas season with them, as I will be spending Christmas with Jen and her family.

Well, that about sums up this past fall, and most of its excitement. There certainly has been a lot on my plate, and I'm sorry I haven't kept in better contact. God has continued to teach me so much about myself through so many different sources. Some lessons are hard, and none are complete yet, but I praise God for the slow changes I see in my life.

I pray that you will experience the keen awareness of God's blessings on you this Christmas season. As we rejoice in our saviour's birth, let us continue to be transformed into His image through the power of God.


Blogger CalvinAG said...

Merry Christmas and congratulations on your engagment. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

7:56 p.m.  
Blogger David Stauffer said...

Thanks Calvin, and Happy New Year to you too. Welcome to my Blog.

8:34 a.m.  

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