Monday, July 19, 2004

Back from the Island...

Well, its been a great weekend. We flew down to the coast on Friday morning, and caught the first bus we could down to Puerto Lopez. It was probably about 2 hours. The time flew by, as I was reading a new book Micah had loaned me. I'll comment on it more later, but it was about science and Genesis, and was extremely interesting. I did look out the window too. The bus got pretty crowded at times.

Friday afternoon I sat on the beach (the water was kinda cold, so I wimped out on that part of it), and then swung in a hammock, enjoying my book. Talk about the ideal vacation. We also lined up our tour for the island the next day.

Oh, I should introduce my buddy, Micah. He was the driving force behind this trip, so thank you Micah!

Not having much to do, we crashed early. 10 hours of sleep each night makes for a wonderful vacation :)

Saturday dawned bright and early. After breakfast, we waited around till our taxi took us to the beach, where we dumped our shoes in a bag, and waded out to the boat. It was already full of tourists, some from Spain, some from Switzerland, and some from who knows where else.... (hey, I'm an introvert, I don't just meet people easily) The boat ride out was uneventful, but we did see two whales surface right beside the boat. I couldn't believe that we didn't stop... But figured that there must be better places to watch the whales... there were, but that's getting ahead of the story.

It took nearly 2 hours to get to the island, so had a snack shortly after we got there. Then we departed for our hike. There were two choices, and we ended up going on the easier leg of the hike, because that had more of what we wanted to see. Soon we were seeing blue footed boobies, and other birds. I took lots of pictures. I actually hit a limit, because dumb me, I left a 160 mb folder on my flash card (256 mb), so while we were walking I had to examine the pictures I took, and cull one's that weren't good. We walked the south section of the Island, I believe, and then wandered back. We had another snack (progressive lunch), and then hopped on the boat.

We didn't go far though.... The guides broke out the snorkeling gear, and soon we were in the water swimming around a reef near the island. Although it was cloudy, we could see all kinds of fish. The coolest ones seemed to be congested in a couple of areas, and I kept coming back to them. Once in a while my mind started playing the JAWs theme as I peered off into the deep blue sea. All too soon it was time to get in the boat again.

We hadn't gone more than 10 minutes, when we stopped, because whales were making waves near our boat. Quickly, as many as where allowed scuttled onto the upper deck of the boat to get a better view. I was one of the lucky one's. After figuring out the timing on my camera, I managed to get some decent shots. I guess the male Humback whales try to impress the females by making waves. I'm sure there's a technical term for it, but I don't know what it is. After watching the pair on one side for several minutes, another pair on the other side started their own show. It was awesome, but frustrating, cuz you kept watching one side, and then the other, because you just didn't want to miss any of it. Finally I put my camera down, and just enjoyed the show. God's creatures really are amazing! Finally it was time to go. The ride back was uneventful, although the waves got bigger, so that made it fun.

A good supper and more relaxation put a great end on a great day. I'll add more about the rest of the weekend later... I'm getting tired.

Oh, but I have to add.... 16 more sleeps until I see Jen!! Yep, the countdown has begun...


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