Thursday, July 08, 2004


In the bustling metropolis of Grande Prairie they had a twister go through the downtown core today. I guess it tossed a couple of cars, and tore a wall out. I was a little disconcerted to hear this, because my brother and sister-in-law don't live too far from there. Neither was in the area when it went through, and their place seems to be fine, so that's good. I haven't seen any pictures yet, but I'm sure there will be lots tomorrow.

Reminds me of when we had a twister come through our small town in the NWT. It ripped the roof off one old building (no one lived there), and knocked over a couple of outhouses, but I believe that was the extent of the damage. I remember it raining really hard. I love storms. Its been too long since we had a good storm here in Quito. Oh well.....


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