Friday, July 09, 2004

Attention, Shoppers: You Can Now Speed Straight Through Checkout Lines!

From Wired Magazine

Depending who you ask, RFID tags constitute

1. the best thing to happen to manufacturing since the cog.
2. the biggest threat to personal privacy since the crowbar.
3. the near-exact fulfillment of the Book of Revelation's description of the mark of the beast.

A most interesting new world we're getting ourselves into. Radio chips that identify every piece of merchandise? I can understand the economic benifits for retailers, and the hassel it can save in avoiding supply line screwups... but yeah, what happens when it comes home with you? Perhaps they can implement some kind of scanner that deactivates (perhaps melts?) the chip as you go out the door. I'm sure there could be many other ways of deactivating them, but you don't want shoplifters to do the same, or what's the point. As far as targeted ads in shopping carts depending on where you go... intrueging.... but I tend to like ad-blockers. Right now it almost seems to novel to be true.. but is guess this is the shape of the future.

Side Note: I'm trying out the "Blog This" extension in Mozilla Firefox 9.2 . We'll see how this works... and maybe edit it later.

Well, it took a slight bit of editing, since the body wasn't displayed, but I think I know what I did wrong... Now I just need to find a good spell checker, since my spelling is atrowshus.


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