Friday, July 09, 2004

USS Clueless - Muqtada al-Moore

A most interesting (and intelligent, I think) comparison between a failed Iraqi insurgency, and Michael Moore's whole big kafluffle with Fahrenheight 9/11. He certainly has created a stir with this movie. Not having seen it, I'm not willing to condemn it outright, but I must say I've definitely got some preconceived notions of its accuracy.

Not knowing a whole lot about either, I'd have to equate Michael Moore with Rush Limbaugh as far as representing their respective political persuasions... feel free to correct me if that's way off base.

I guess most of this doesn't even really affect me, since I'm Canadian, except that what happens in the USA makes big waves, especially for neighbours. However, Mikey boy did attempt to dabble his finger in our political system, hoping out loud that his movie would help prevent us from electing our own 'Bush' (Steven Harper). I suppose we all can spout our opinions (that's what I'm doing right here), but I sort of wish Moore would stick to minding his own business.

In a related, or perhaps unrelated note, Canada elected the Liberals by a wider margin than everyone thought, but they still have a minority government.
This minority position means it is possible (in many cases inevitable) that major government bills will be put to a non-confidence vote in the House, forcing a general election.
from Canada Votes on CBC

All this goes to say that maybe we will not be stuck with Liberals for another whole term... and perhaps the Conservatives can do it right this time...


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