Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Where's the time gone?

Yep, in a week I will be leaving on a jet plane. Don't worry, I won't sing the song. As it approaches, I have mixed feelings. I can't wait to get back, and see Jen (only 8 more sleeps!), and other friends, and other family. It will be good to get back to Canada too, although I really didn't miss the winter. I'm not looking forward to leaving all my friends behind. God has blessed me with many close friends.... family I'd have to say. Brothers and Sisters. God is so good! I guess that's the sign of a great trip, when it hurts to say good bye. But it still hurts. I hope and pray that I will be able to return, at least for a visit, and maybe something more. Its all in God's hands.

I found out that my driver's license expires on my birthday, which just happens to be this Sunday. I have my parent's looking into long distance renewal, and it seems I need to send them a copy of my license, and they'll take care of it. This is important because I plan to help drive my grandparents to our mission conference in the middle of August. It seems that everything will work out. I guess it always does.

"We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28 WEB)

Hey, that reminds me, I need to install e-sword. I wiped my computer off last night, and have slowly been bringing it up to speed again. I think I've got most of my functionality back. On the computer that is.

I've been sleeping well, and waking up early, which is nice, cuz I don't have time to sleep in. And this is getting really disjointed, and I'm going out for supper with friends, to a place that serves steak on a hot brick (nothing like it, it stays hot through the whole meal... mmmmm..).


Blogger David Stauffer said...

Of Course I'll take you back. I never let you go.

6:24 a.m.  

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