Friday, July 23, 2004

Kayaking & Giving Blood

Oh, and designing databases too. What do they have to do with each other? Hopefully nothing (unless things go horribly wrong...).

I'll start with the 2nd one. I gave blood today. It was my first time. I'd have to say that it was an interesting experience. First, the reason. The sister-in-law of one of the missionaries in our mission here in Ecuador was recently diagnosed with acute leukemia. Not fun. By giving blood (even if its not the right type), it makes it easier for her to get the blood she needs. So that's why. I had to fill out a big form (I went with 2 other missionaries), and then get my blood tested. Then I had to get my blood pressure taken, and answer some questions (like what vaccine I had recently, and where in the Jungle I went, and for how long). Finally it was time. There were several reclining chairs, and I laid down in one, and put my feet up. The nurse decided that the vein in my right arm was better than in my left, so I switched chairs with another guy, since I was up against the right wall. So the nurse inserts the needle into my left vein, but then it jiggles slightly, and I start bleeding out under the skin. She knows that won't work, so out comes the needle, and I get a swab on my arm, and have to keep it tight. 5-10 minutes later she tries to find the vein in my left arm. After another 5 minutes she decides the my vein is visible enough to stab. Thankfully this went without a hitch.

So there I am, trying not to bleed from my right arm, and trying to bleed from my left arm. Actually, I was surprised how quickly the bag was filling. Not as quick as some, but not the 1/2 hour to 45 minutes like I thought it would be. In probably 15-20 minutes it was time to tie off the bag, and snip the cord. Then the want to draw some blood in a test tube (for testing or something... I dunno). It was a little bit frightening. When she undid the clamp on the tube, the blood had stopped flowing. I don't think I got a single drop in the test tube.... I looked at the nurse, grinned, and said "nada mas" (nothing more). Finally she gave up, and pulled the needle out, and I was then stopping the blood flow from my left arm. Then I felt really light headed, and weak, and I think I experienced mild shock. I felt flush, and sweaty. Slowly the feeling went away, and in 10 more minutes or so, I was good to go. I felt a little light headed for another 20 minutes or so, but I've felt fine for the rest of the day. Oh, this was all 1st thing in the morning.

Ok, and Kayaking. Tomorrow I'm going down a few hours (out of the mountains) to a river to try out some new inflatable kayaks. 3 of us have never been in kayaks before, so that should make life interesting. I'll regale you with my adventures when I get back.

And the database? Well, the Alliance Academy has up till now been producing their student transcripts with a typewriter... so I'm re-creating their form in a File Maker database, where they can actually edit data after its been entered. So that was my life this afternoon.

OH! And only 12 more sleeps!


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