Thursday, January 13, 2005

Ok, this is what our living room looked like before our 'redecorating'. This is standing in the middle of our kitchen, looking into the living room. You can barely see the big love seat right in front of me, but it really cut the room in half. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Brrr... I just got back from walking Jen home, and it is COLD! I haven't experienced weather like this for quite some time. It was fun to be tromping along in my snow boots, bundled up in snow pants that were too big for me (Thanks Dave V) , a bulky winter coat. The toque was pulled low, and the neck warmer was pulled high, and then I had a hood on over top. As I tromped along, my breath moistened the neck warmer, and then froze. (Edit: I forgot to mention that it was -42 degrees Celsius, and the wind chill was -50!) My eyelashes got all frosty too. All in all, it was a wonderful experience that seemed from another time. Having my fiance walking hand in mine beside me was wonderful, and novel.

Anyway, its late, and I need to read 2nd Corinthians. I think I'll do it tomorrow morning. I have wax on this keyboard.

Oh, and I (along with my roommate) re-arranged our living room. We pretty much switched everything around, and I like it better now. It was also high time for a vacuum and moping. We're bachelors... What can I say? I took some 'before' pictures, so when I get them downloaded, I'll post them, along with some after pictures. I really need to go now.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Wedding Webpage

I'm not posting the link yet, cuz its not completed, and I'm not sure if Jen will like the template adjustments I've chosen, but I laid a lot of the ground work. I'm using

So I thought I had car troubles last night, because the 'check engine' light came on. I talked to a smart mechanically minded person today (who owns the same care, one year newer), and he asked me about a bunch of symptoms (none of which I have, thankfully), and then told me not to worry about it. So that was nice, since its kind of cold outside, although warmer than it was, or is going to be.

Well, its late, and I have to get to work early tomorrow... well, the same time as always, but its always early.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Quinzi & Oreos

Not sure if that's the right spelling for it or not, but 3 friends and I found a secluded park by a small lake to build a snow house. All we did yesterday morning was go push a big pile of snow together (it took about an hour, including breaks for small snow fights). We'll let the pile freeze for a week or so, and then head out again to dig it out. I haven't done this for several years, so I'm looking forward to the whole process, and the winter camping at the end.

I also went and helped repair damage to my bosses home computer yesterday (after a great pizza dinner!). I didn't cause the damage, but it happened while I was working on it. They were very good about the whole ordeal, and yesterday went very well, except that I found out I forgot to backup their address book (Yikes!!!!).

Then I got back, and was talking to my sister on the phone, and my sister in law was taunting me about Oreo milkshakes (a family favorite) that they were having in GP, 20 minutes away. I decided to take her up on her taunt, and my sister and I went in and hung out until midnight. I was tired, but it was great.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Its Friday!!

The first week of work has almost come to a close, and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I know we just got off Christmas break, but this week has been hectic, what with the beginning of a new semester, and me taking a class for credit (I should really start on some homework).

Christmas was great. I went out to join Jen at her parent's place on the 23rd. Christmas was very quiet, and it was the first Christmas I haven't spent with my parents and immediate family. Things were somewhat different, but good. I managed the whole holiday with no turkey, which was kind of interesting. I didn't really miss it. Several people just don't like turkey dinners, and weren't really up to the work of making one. Instead, on Christmas day we had a Ghanaian (from Ghana) meal called Fufu and Granut soup. Basically mashed potatoes with starch (making a stiff mixture) with Chicken cooked in Peanut butter (kind of) on top. For authenticity we eat it with our fingers, so that makes it quite fun. I had it once before, and enjoy it very much.

Another difference this Christmas was I got more of a taste for farm living. The chores just don't end, and we were taking it very easy. We had to feed grain twice a day to the lambs (to fatten them up for market) and once for the ewes and rams, who are breeding. The horse gets some oats every once in a while too. I got to help butcher 2 lambs for the family too, although it was more that we skinned and cleaned the carcasses, and then took them to a butcher shop for final processing.

One a more immediate note, I get to play hockey tonight. It is the first time since November, I think. I'm looking forward to it, although I know that I'm out of shape. I think I'll get to play more hockey in this month than I did all last semester.

Finally, Jen and I have set our wedding date for June 25th. Wow, we actually have a date. Some how it seems a little more real when there's actually a mark on the calendar. Its not just some vague dream any more, or wishful thinking. We are getting married this summer! I'll keep things posted for more details.