Sunday, June 27, 2004

It came through...

But it was messy, so I deleted it. What am I talking about? My attempted email blog. I figured I'd better post something in its place.

This past weekend has been busier, which was nice. I went out for supper a couple of times. Then on Saturday I went out for a church field day with friends who work at that church. It was kinda fun, and kinda boring, but a good chance to get out and do something. I talked with one guy, who knew even less english than I know spanish... but it was fun.

Election time tomorrow back home in Canada. What appears to be the closest general election for several years. Looks like were in store for a minority government which ever way the ball bounces. Should make life interesting in the next few years... although the cynical side of me doesn't see it making any real difference in my life. Its funny how I follow politics and news much more now that I'm outside the country. I'll have to keep up with being informed when I go back.

Speaking of going back... it is soon, but I'm not counting the days just yet. That makes time go by too slowly. I found that out at Christmas.

Well, I'm rambling, so I'll end this now.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Attempted email blog

(but it didn't seem to work, so I'm just posting it as normal)

Well, life's been interesting the last couple of days. I went out for Dim Sum (small delights) at a Chinese restaurant yesterday. The menu was all in Chinese, so it was good that we had someone along who could read it and order for us. It was really good, and I'd like to have it again. Seemed mainly like a bunch of appetizers, but by the end, I was full.

I got a little appreciation gift from my supervisor yesterday at the Alliance Academy. A barely used Palm M515! I've never been able to justify buying one, but always kind of wanted one. Now I've got one. I spent hours yesterday evening perusing and downloading e books from an ebook library. They have quite a library, and now I've got my own :) I found a demo of some nice bible software... have to decide if I'm gonna buy it or not. Too bad my favorite free bible software, e-Sword is only for pocket PCs. Oh well... such is life.

Oh, and this struck me funny. We've already got plans for settlement of Mars. I guess it shouldn't surprise me, but it did. I think everyone dreams of being able to colonize a new planet... well, maybe not everyone... but just reading the article sent me over to the red planet, and we all watched excitedly as the latest shipment of goods came from Earth. I wonder if there were any Mars bars this time :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Can I post a Pic here from Ofto?

Looks like it. This is me and Antisana.

Hmm... perhaps not. It seems to disappear after a while. Perhaps they don't like hosting images for other sites....

Pix in Ecuador

Check out this link for pictures of my Adventure in Ecuador.

I've been over here since September, and I'm going home in August. Well, back to Canada at least. Not quite sure when I'll get home home. Well, not quite sure where home home is gonna be exactly.... ahhh the joys of being in limbo as a single. Well, Parent's home is home home for now, and I've no idea when I'll get there either.

Anywhoo, I'm here in Ecuador with Avant Ministries (formerly Gospel Missionary Union)

I'm working at the Alliance Academy, a missionary school that served most of Latin America at one time.

And that's enough for this post.

Monday, June 14, 2004

First Blog

Just posting so I can see what this all looks like. Don't stay tuned, probably nothing will happen for several months.