Friday, February 12, 2010

Long time coming

We've finally released a completely revised website for Peace River Bible Institute. Drop by and check it out.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

More pix of Maryn

Ahhh, she's so cute!!!! We are totally thrilled with the wonderful blessing God has given us. She's been growing great, and is probably up to about 9 1/2 pounds by now.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Baby Maryn

Born on January 10th, she's just a sweetie. 6lb 12oz.

Praise God

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Updated our profile

Well, we've finally uptaded our profile to include interests & such for both of us.

Oh, and check this out if you need a laugh. You download the powerpoint file, and then play it. Its well worth it, and I don't think it can help but make you smile (at least). Presenting, the Laughing Cat!!!

Home Safe

Well, we made it back from our big trip to Pennsylvania to get my sister married off. It was a good trip, but oh its nice to be home! I'll post more when we get our camera back so we can post pictures (we left it behind :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hockey Trophy

Well, we only won one game in our PRBI hockey tournament, but I still came away with a trophy. See it there on my chin? That was Friday night, the first shift of the first game!!! I had to play a game on Sunday just to try and get my money's worth. It is healing up nicely now though.

Oh, I also got new glasses in the beginning of March. Of course, I wasn't wearing them to play hockey.

Thankfully, Jen was very reasonable about the whole thing. She would like me to get a full face shield for next season.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Fish is Dead :(

We're sorry to announce the passing of Flif the Fish. May he rest well in the bottom of our Fern (I hear they make great fertilizer :)

He will never be replaced, but his bowl may house another soon (I hear Walmart has a sale on Betas :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

And here's the new toy

I must say, its great what the neighbours throw away!

Our "Children"

He he, we just had to post a picture of our newest family member. Misty the cat is checking out 'Flif' the Beta fish.

Life is grand.